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Latin Name
Erythroxylum catuaba



Make tea with 1-2 teaspoons of the bark per cup of hot water and drink one cup 3 or 4 times a day.


Traditional Use and Health Benefits

A relation to the coca plant, Catuaba doesn’t actually contain any of the alkaloids found in cocaine! However, within Brazilian herbal medicine Catuaba bark is categorised as a stimulant and is renowned in South America – and indeed the rest of the world in recent times – as a powerful aphrodisiac.


Meaning “what gives strength to an Indian”, Catuaba is also traditionally used as a general tonic to strengthen and balance overall bodily functions, a nervous system stimulant and due to the red colour of the extract, it was believed to be good for the heart and the blood.


Catuaba Benefits




The aphrodisiac qualities of this plant are, without doubt, its most famous and popular use. Containing 3 specific alkaloids believed to support libido, including “yohimbe” which seems to be the most active compound that produces a stimulatory effect on the libido of both men and women. These alkaloids are thought to enhance sexual function by stimulating the nervous system.


Catuaba stimulates blood flow to the genitals, can strengthen and prolong an erection, enhances sexual excitement and is said to give more powerful orgasms.


Central Nervous System


Amongst the constituents of this plant reside a group of alkaloids known as "catuabine", with these compounds thought to be responsible for further stimulating the nervous system. Catuaba works its magic quite quickly, effectively calming anxiety and nerves in less than an hour after use. It can also be used as a sleep aid; however this may increase the chance of having erotic dreams so use at your own risk!




Studies have found that Catuaba has dopaminergic actions, meaning it has the ability to modulate the receptors in the brain related to the neurotransmitter dopamine.




Catuaba was found to have significant neuroprotective effects. This was measured by the lowered oxidative damage


Another investigation found that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of Catuaba protected the brains of the participants from oxidative damage and concluded that it could possibly play a role in protecting against brain related disorders.


These effects are thought to be due to the high amounts of antioxidant flavonoids found within Catuaba.

Catuaba Bark Chips

PresyoMula ₱400.00


    Mindanao Island, Philippines


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